� Memoirs of an Evil Genius �
Conquering the World, One Martini at a Time

� In Which Our Hero is Vexed and Perplexed �
3:34 p.m., 2003-12-12

I was going to tell you guys about the emails I�ve been getting from my ex-girlfriend, Honey Ryder (Lesbian Extraordinaire). Basically, the fact of the matter is that we haven�t had a normal conversation, probably since high school. Maybe not even then.

But after I graduated, she moved off to San Diego or some such to pursue different facets of her life, and our communications became even stranger still. I would get the occasional mass e-mail, on which mine was the only address I would recognize, and I�d write back, all, "Hey, how�s it going?" and she�d respond like, "Oh�um�okay. Why are you writing me?" And I�d be like, "Never mind, then."

Well, I got another mass e-mail from her the other day, informing us all that she and her wife are no longer together, and I wrote back expressing my condolences and asking how she�s doing. So she returns my message, all, "Oh, I�m fine -- I�ve cried so many tears over you that I really don�t have any left."

Oh. Um�okay? Glad you�re dealing, then? Like, what the hell am I supposed to say to that??? I mean, we didn�t even have an acrimonious breakup or anything (which, I should point out, was a mutual decision, prompted in part by the fact that SHE WANTED TO DATE GIRLS), so I�m not sure what all these tears were about, or why they seem to be prohibiting her from feeling too distressed about the breakup of her marriage. I suppose in a way it�s almost like I helped her through this, though, isn�t it? I�m such a great person.

Anyway, in other news, this girl I work with, Patrice, seriously has me at my wit�s end. I try to be very patient with Patrice, because I think that she may some issues (she once told me that one of her favorite European nations was Brazil), but sometimes I just find myself at a loss. I don�t mean that to sound horrible, but we all have days where our patience is rice paper thin, and the smallest things can set us off.

In any case, I�m getting tired of giving Patrice "five" whenever I laugh or, you know, speak. And I�m getting tired of having everything that comes out of my mouth pre-empted by an advance forecast of what I�m about to say:

Me: So I went to�

Patrice: THE STORE!

Me: �to the doctor�s office, to get�

Patrice: A CHECKUP!

Me: �a shot.

And so forth. I�m not trying to be intolerant, but she�s very loud, and unfamiliar with boundaries, and rather than snap and go completely insane, I find that it�s easier to just kind of�ignore her from time to time. I think it�s better than the alternative (insanity).

Anyway, I�ve got shitloads to do over here, so I�d better get cracking. Bring on the weekend.

Someone Got Here By Searching For: pipes for smoking crank And: "searching for Jackie" I�m Watching: Tru Calling, and it�s just not getting any better. I�m Worried: Because I�ve still got so much work to do�and I�m fucking around online instead.

A Year Ago, I Said:

"And maybe I'm a little ultra-sensitive about it anyway, due to the fact that in those first, vulnerable stages of the Coming Out process, I was grabbed by my metaphoric hair and dragged out forcibly by Honey Ryder, who came out herself at full tilt and pulled most of her friends along with her."
Yep, I�m Ambiguous

� 2005 by Dr. No, all rights reserved; you break it, you buy it.

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