� Memoirs of an Evil Genius �
Conquering the World, One Martini at a Time

� People Blow �
12:30 a.m., 2003-08-21

Did I tell you guys about the dream I had this past weekend, about Wes from Boy Meets Boy? Probably I didn�t. It was a really naughty dream. The best part of all was that, in my dream, Wes was completely gay! Given how much more certain I become with every passing episode that he is entirely straight, this was a very pleasant turn for me. When James inevitably chooses Wes, who then reveals himself to be straight, I�m going to be extremely pissed off.

Now, on tonight�s episode, James had one-on-ones (ones-on-one? I don�t fucking know) with the remaining six suitors before letting three of them go. And I�m glad that he got rid of Creepy Sean (straight) and Spooky Darren (gay), but when Hostess With the Mostest Teeth, Dani Behr, revealed to him at the end that one of the three remaining bachelors was straight, you could have cut the tension with a knife. Although, if he�d had a knife, I�d wager James would have cut Dani Behr instead.

And I mean, I realize that Dani Behr (who cannot be referred to except by her full name, obviously) is just the messenger, but what a smug and strident little messenger she is. I guess I don�t really want anyone to hit her, or whatever, but I wouldn�t mind watching her step in a gopher hole and take a header into a bag of manure. James reacted to the news like so many of us would; by trying not to appear quite as shocked, hurt, and deceived as he felt. Andra, it appears, is going to go completely apeshit, and I kind of hope she breaks something, because that would be pretty sweet.

Also, in mostly unrelated news, I totally hate people. People don�t know how to shop for groceries, y�all! They really suck at it. Like, really. I had to go and do my grocery shopping tonight, because I found myself way too busy over the weekend, what with one thing and another, and it was a madhouse, I tell you, a madhouse! Like, first of all, what�s with people not knowing how to operate a supermarket parking lot? It�s not a particularly temperamental mechanism, the parking lot, so why is it that as soon as food enters the equation, people can�t figure out their ass from their elbow in regards to navigating the terrain? It�s like, �You can�t drive your gigantor SUV through that parking spot, because there�s already a car in it. Mine.�

And I wish shoppers� ineptitude was confined only the parking lot, but it really isn�t. Inside, everyone just kind of meanders around like a swarm of gnats, with no method to their madness -- carts stop and start at random, people shift directions abruptly and without warning, and some dumbass always pulls their cart lengthwise across the aisle, effectively blocking all traffic from both directions, while they try to decide between Star*Kist and Chicken Of the Sea (or whatever; I don�t know tuna, either). And they get really perplexed when you side-swipe them, because they�re not looking where the fuck they�re going, and you�re trying to get past them quickly, and then they just unexpectedly veer to the left, right into your path, and you can�t stop, and then their French bread falls out of their cart and they shoot you a dirty look, and you�re like, �Forget you, old lady, you don�t own the road! And that Members Only jacket you�re wearing stopped being cool back in 1987!�

And why don�t people make fucking eye contact in the grocery store? I�m not looking to establish a meaningful relationship, or whatever, but if you would look at me, you might not keep pushing your stupid shopping cart between me and whatever shelf I�m looking at any given moment while you�re seemingly following me around the store and making it your personal business to be in my way.

Oh, and to the girl who walked right out in front of my cart without looking first? I take it back. I�m not sorry, it wasn�t �my fault�, and I didn�t deserve that look.

Someone Got Here By Searching For: kyan queer nude And: what does Anorexic mean I�m Watching: This same gay-themed Orbitz commercial with the creepy puppets that they keep showing on Bravo, only without the gay theme. Evidently those puppets swing both ways. I�m Eating: I had steak for dinner, and now I�m having more Ghirardelli chocolate. Can�t go wrong there!

� 2005 by Dr. No, all rights reserved; you break it, you buy it.

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