� Memoirs of an Evil Genius �
Conquering the World, One Martini at a Time

� Making Mountains Out Of -- Hey, What's That? �
1:00 a.m., 2003-07-17

May Day and I are sitting here in the caf� section of Borders, and don�t we look industrious! I with my laptop, and she with her notebook and ballpoint pen. We look like two dashing young writers, living and working on the cutting edge of the industry. You know, except for the fact that May Day is singing New Kids, and I�m giggling like a Girl Scout on helium because of this lady I�m watching who has a necklace made out of what looks like dried seed pods. It�s a statement, I guess. That statement being, �Don�t fall asleep!�

And now I�m chewing really loud to distract May Day. Hee! It totally worked! She just looked at me! Of course, she�s been staring at me for a while, trying to get me distracted, but that�s just the way it works when your living and working on the cutting edge of the industry. Or is that Industry? Should I capitalize that? It�s amazing what sort of things float through your head when you�re pretending to write.

May Day: I think I could balance this on my nose�nope.

So today, I kept on flirting. I�m getting better at it, too! It�s just like being back in the third grade, you know? All you have to do is tease the other person and try to make them miserable! Today I dumped a whole cup of paper clips out onto Jetson�s desk and made him pick them up, before threatening to key his car and scribble on his white shirt with a Sharpie. I think he got the message.

Damn I want to make out with him. Oops, did I just say that out loud?

May Day: Yes.
No matter. It�s true! And I don�t care who hears it!
Old Lady With Headscarf: Quiet! I�m trying to read the new Jackie Collins!
Fact is, I�m a little worried that I�m a whore now. I mean, I really just want to make out with him, but I don�t think I want, like, a relationship. Well, I don�t know if I want a relationship. It�s possible I�m being a bit premature about this, given that we�ve known each other for about three days, but it never hurts to think ahead. I mean, what if I�m like, �You, me, storage room, ten minutes,� and then we make out, and then (by some providential intervention) I don�t get totally shitcanned, and we start just making out all the time, and we go out and sit in someone�s car at lunch to make out, and then before you know it, we�re meeting in sleazy hotels and doing crank and lying to our wives, and leaving them to raise the children on their own, and all because I couldn�t stop with flirting at the office!

See what I mean?? Not only am I a whore, I�m a homewrecker! Oh my gosh! I just ruined nine lives (if you average three children per family), and all because I couldn�t keep my tongue in my pants! Er, mouth. Actually, there�s no way to write that to make it look less filthy. But I�m filthy, with my thieving, lying, whoring ways! How could I do that to Max, Marianne, Genevieve, and baby Cosette??

But I�m serious when I say I want to make out with him. I�m also serious when I say that�s probably a really bad idea. And I don�t understand why I can�t just chill the fuck out and let it be what it�s going to be, but insist on turning it into some kind of Victorian melodrama, where I�m going to be forced to Make A Choice That Will Change Everyone�s Lives Forever. We�re just flirting, you know. It�s not like we�re betrothed.


Today�s Quiz: Which Frank Lloyd Wright Architectural Design Are You?


Falling Water - Bear Run, PA
- You think sex is very special and should be
performed on specific occasions. When you do
get laid, you are ALWAYS in sync with your

Which Frank Lloyd Wright architectural design are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

If those �specific occasions� are �days that end in �y��, then okay.

Someone Got Here By Searching For: �her stupid car� And: FRENCHIE DAVIS NUDE I�m Watching: May Day dangle a ballpoint pen in front of my monitor and wave it back and forth while chanting, �You are getting sleepy, veeeery sleeeeepy!�. I�m Feeling: Sleepy. And I think I�m going to buy May Day a car! And then do her laundry! And then dress up like a chicken and tell everyone my name is John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt!

� 2005 by Dr. No, all rights reserved; you break it, you buy it.

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