� Memoirs of an Evil Genius �
Conquering the World, One Martini at a Time

� Life Without Sam �
2:08 p.m., 2004-03-19

It�s been an odd week here at Arts-Friendly, marked by strain and restraint as we�ve all tried to stumble along in the absence of Sam�s help. It�s not that she was the linchpin of our operation (as motley and ill-fitted as it is), but now that she�s gone, the worth of her contributions, both professionally and socially, have been cast into a very clear light.

To wit: I am now bored stiff and completely swamped.

Not that Yoanna hasn�t been good company -- albeit very quiet company -- but I miss speaking with sentient beings, you know? On her behalf, I must say that she was quite well behaved at the Tuesday staff meeting, when I plunked her in Sam�s chair and introduced her around. And can I just take this opportunity to point out how much I hate it when people refuse to make eye contact with me and scoot their chairs away from mine in a way they seem to think is subtle and unobtrusive? It�s extremely rude, and don�t think I won�t start slashing people like prices at Wal*Mart if they piss me off.

Speaking of work, I believe I already had plenty to do before having to sort through Sam�s inbox as well as my own every single morning, thank you very much. I�m coping, of course, as are we all, but it�s still very frustrating. I�ve had to establish relationships with all of her contacts and go through the whole rigmarole of figuring out what kind of arrangements they�d set up for their various needs. Concurrently with that, I�ve been trying to take care of not only my usual stuff, but all the stuff Sophie had me take over for Data Entry, and all the stuff Anna and Co. routinely make me take over for them, too, and I just want to know when it�s going to be time for me? I have needs, too! WHAT ABOUT MY NEEDS???

Anyway, one of the hardest things to adjust to, as I�ve indicated, is the fact that she�s no longer right across the hall from me. At least four times a day I�ll think to myself, "Oh crap, I forgot to tell Sam about what happened!" And I�ll go to call over to her�and then remember that she�s three time zones away. Although it�s not like I completely forget this and actually start talking to her empty office, it�s just a fleeting thought. I mean, I�m not totally insane. Oh, hold on, Yoanna�s sending me another telepathic command�okay, got it.

The positive aspect to all of this, if there indeed is one, is the possibility that with her out of the way, I might once again be Sophie�s favorite! I don�t know if I was technically Sophie�s favorite before, but Sam was so totally Sophie�s favorite while she was here, so I�m at least one step closer, no matter how you look at it. I don�t know if I get anything for being Sophie�s favorite, but it can only work out for the best. I saw Sophie�s Choice. I know what happens when Sophies are forced to pick stuff.

Do you guys like zombies? Because that movie, Dawn of the Dead opens today. This really doesn�t have anything to do with Sam, but I just thought I�d bring it up since it was on my mind. Back when Honey Ryder and I were still together, we tried to watch the original Dawn with KillerWorkout, and we were just kind of like� "Meh." The remake looks pretty damn sweet, though, don�t you think?

Anyway, if you�ll excuse me, I�ve got lots of (Sam�s) work to do. Peace out, y�all. And watch out for THE LIVING DEAD!!!

Someone Got Here By Searching For: pardon my drunkenness And: Moroccan License I�m Watching: Wonderfalls, which is absolutely hysterical. And: The Thin Man. Also hysterical, but in a very different way.

A Year Ago, I Said:

KillerWorkout: That would be cool. This guy just had a huge picture of an aborted fetus on his board.

Me: Awesome. Fetuses rule.

My Brother and I are Going to Hell

� 2005 by Dr. No, all rights reserved; you break it, you buy it.

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