� Memoirs of an Evil Genius �
Conquering the World, One Martini at a Time

� Technical Difficulties �
12:54 p.m., 2004-10-08

It is my own personal opinion that Dell Technical Support couldn�t support a pair of boobs if it were a WonderBra made of cement with three-inch thick, steel-reinforced copper underwire. I say this based on three or so hours of personal experience talking to some guy who had no idea what the hell was going on. To wit:

Me: Okay, it�s giving me an A:> prompt. What should I do now?

Tech Guy: �

Me: Hello?

Tech Guy: Okay, sir? What does it say?

Me: �it�s giving me an A:> prompt.

Tech Guy: Okay, does it say �A�?

Me: Um. Yes. It�s giving me an A:> prompt.

Tech Guy: Okay, so it says �A�?

Me: �decidedly.

Tech Guy: All right, I need you to type in �format c:�.

Me: That didn�t work. It says �bad command or file name�.

Tech Guy: Okay, what does it say now?

Me: �it says �bad command or file name�.

Tech Guy: Sir?

Me: Yes?

Tech Guy: Did you type in �format c:�?

Me: Yes. Twice, in fact.

Tech Guy: And did that work?

Me: What? No! Are you serious with this? It says �bad command or file name�!

Tech Guy: �what does it say now?

Me: Is there an adult I can speak with? Are your parents home?

Tech Guy: Okay�I�m going to have to�verify something�can I put you on hold?
It is also my personal opinion that �verify something� really means �ask my supervisor what to do next, because frankly, I have no fucking clue�. One would think that, in order to become a Tech Guy, one would need more working knowledge of the product than, �Well, that one button says �on�, so I think that�s probably the power switch. Unless you think it�s in code! Do you think it�s in code?� Because I don�t think �on� is code for anything other than �on�, quite frankly, and isn�t Computer-ese already hard enough to understand as it is?

Anyway, after much ado, I finally managed to get my computer up and running. It turns out that there was indeed a virus spreading somewhere within its memory bank, but it was eradicated with I napalmed the hard drive and reinstalled everything. Of course, then I was asked to provide various product codes, which modern programs won�t work without, due to rampant software piracy -- which I�m not necessarily opposed to on an ethical level, except in such cases where those of us who didn�t have the foresight to preserve their product code keys in a safe place for four years on the off-chance their hard drives would melt down at an unspecified future date would thereby be forced to make another hour-long phone call to Satan�s Little Helper at the Technical Support center. End computer piracy! It�s a huge pain in my ass!

Anyway, it would seem that everything is pretty much in working order, now. I say that with a big fat knock on wood, too, because the last thing I need is to curse myself forever via blind optimism. Fortunately, it�s hard to be an optimist when you�re always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Have you ever noticed that optimists always call themselves out as optimists, while pessimists call themselves �cynical� and cynics call themselves �realists�? I think that�s because only we cynics are truly possessed of a firm grasp on The Truth. Of course, now that I�ve called myself a cynic, by my own logic that makes me a pessimist. Shit. I hate being a pessimist -- pessimists suck.

In any case, with a little luck, I�ll be able to do stuff on my computer now without worrying that it might literally start melting in front of me. Fingers crossed, people!

Someone Got Here By Searching For: dirty old ladies I�m Watching: The Apprentice. Is Trump on drugs, people? Seriously. Pamela? Not the most deserving of the axe, y�all. With My Free Time, I�m: Talking to the yahoos at Tech Support. Support, this, yo.

A Year Ago, I Said:

�Okay, my last name is �Holden�. That�s under �H�. No��H�. No, that�s after �A�. No, further after �A�. Like, seven letters after �A�. Here, let me show you�oh, fuck this shit, it�s right here, you myopic son of a bitch! Give me the motherfucking pen!�
In Which Our Hero Throws His Hands Up

� 2005 by Dr. No, all rights reserved; you break it, you buy it.

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