� Memoirs of an Evil Genius �
Conquering the World, One Martini at a Time

� Burning Questions �
4:10 p.m., 2004-06-16

Yesterday�s entry was necessarily heavy, but I feel the need to do one a little more frivolous today. Ergo, I�m going to fill out a survey I found, by gidgetgrrl

1. What can we find in your bedroom?
Me, maybe? What kind of a trick question is this? I mean, it all depends on what time of day you�re looking in there. And why are you looking in my bedroom at all?? Get out of my bedroom!

2. What's the last good book you read?
I�ve read a lot of "good" books lately (and one shitty one), but the most recent one that I would classify as good, both in the sense of being entertaining and well-written, would have to be The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson. Exhaustively researched, intricately detailed, and ultimately fascinating.

3. Describe yourself in five words. This isn't a question. This is a command.
"Doesn�t respond well to commands". Does a contraction count as two words or one?

4. Name any abnormalities you so delightfully possess.
I have double-jointed thumbs, which sounds kind of cool, but really doesn�t do a whole lot to give me an advantage over my non-double-jointed-thumbed brethren. Bending your thumb the wrong way has no real practical application.

5. What would you rather be eating right now, fried apples or pomme frites?
Again I ask what kind of trick question is this? Clearly, I would rather be eating pomme frites, for the obvious reason that it is French and therefore much more sophisticated. Plus, with the splayed vowel sounds of the midwest, the words �fried apples� run a close second in to �explosive diarrhea� in terms of being appealing to the ear.

6. What's the big news? (Although on surveys they tell you that there is no wrong and right answer, in this case, there IS a wrong answer--The hopelessly inane "nothing".)
Er�see yesterday�s entry.

7. Most humbling moment?
Life is full of humbling moments, on the grand scale and on the small, but I�m going to go with one that had a positive aspect to it; my return from Switzerland. Travel always opens my eyes to the size and scope of the world beyond the claustrophobic ken of my immediate existence, and helps to put things in perspective.

8. Best/Worst lie you told?
"It was great working with you, too, Anna! Hope you enjoy your new job!"

9. Why did the cookie go to the hospital?
WTF? Why did the cookie go to the hospital? I think it depends�if my brother is the baker in question, than it was probably �coptered in for extensive treatment in the burn unit. But I think this question is extremely ambiguous�I mean, for all we know, the cookie might be visiting friends or family being held overnight for observation! And what kind of cookie is it in the first place? ANSWER ME!

10. Who's sexier, Alex Greenwald or Jason Schwartzman?
This is a question? Alex Greenwald. Duh.

11. Papa Murphy or Ronald McDonald?
Uh�death? Seriously, though, who the hell is "Papa Murphy"? Is that supposed to be "Papa Smurf"? Because, if so, I pick Papa Smurf. Otherwise, I give up.

12. Scooby Doo or Snoopy?
Snoopy gives me warm, nostalgic fuzzies, but Scooby Doo was far more entertaining. Plus, what with being a total spazz, I identified with him much more as a hyperactive youngster. Ergo, I pick Scooby.

13. Me or you? (Read correct answer: You, as in Me)
I choose me.

14. What one superhero power would you have if you could?
I wouldn�t mind being faster than a speeding bullet, if only because it would really cut down on the amount of time I spend commuting. Plus, it seems like you�d have more energy or something. That would be nice.

15. Song that puts you in the mood?
#1 Crush, by Garbage.

16. Celebrity you most resemble?
Jeez, I don�t know. The last one I got was actually from Anna, who told me I look "just like Ethan Hawke". I don�t know how much "just" like Ethan Hawke I look, but the judges will accept that answer, in lieu of a better, more immediate example.

17. Any deep-seeded childhood fears?
I am assuming this is meant to read "deep-seated", but I guess it kind of implies the same basic principle. The short answer is yes; I have acutely developed phobias of heights and flying, which I try to deal with on an individual basis as they come up.

And now you�ve all increased your store of trivial knowledge about me, just a little bit more. Tune in tomorrow for some data on my shoe size, favorite color, and where I�d be right now if I could be "anywhere but here".

Someone Got Here By Searching For: "she-pee" [Never tell me.] I�m Eating: An ice-cream sandwich, because I�m weak. And: Isn�t that enough?

� 2005 by Dr. No, all rights reserved; you break it, you buy it.

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