� Memoirs of an Evil Genius �
Conquering the World, One Martini at a Time

� Putting the Eek in 'Weekend' �
1:02 p.m., 2003-01-27

Oy. It was quite the weekend, y'all! Not the most relaxing one (that would've been a couple months ago, when May Day spent the entire 48 hours plunked in front of the TV, eating munchies and watching an Angel/X-Files marathon) or the most exciting (that would be the one where...well, I can't think of it, but this wasn't it, exactly), but it was certainly something else.

Friday night really is the beginning of the weekend, after all. Coming off of a long week, May Day and I decided to cut loose and blow some steam. We headed out for a dinner of Chinese food, and then it was on to seeing Chicago. If you haven't seen this movie, you need to make for the theater like your life depends upon it. That movie kicked my ass to the moon, it was so damn good. I didn't really expect to love it that much, because I'm not the hugest fan of musicals (I like some of the classics, but otherwise I can take 'em or leave 'em), but it blew me away. Also, Catherine Zeta-Jones? Is sexy as hell. And really, really talented!

Seriously. May Day and I went home completely entranced. For the rest of the night, we were dancing around the apartment, Fosse-style, and singing about everything we did. We performed numbers like And All That Fudge, Apartment Tango, and Give 'Em the Old Ramen Noodles. It was awesome. Go. See it. Now.

Okay, so nothing terribly exciting happened on Saturday, if you don't count my completely pathetic attempt to meet with that girl from my class again. I was a half-hour late and still managed to show up twenty minutes before she did.

When I got home, however, May Day and I got completely lit and watched The Worst Episode Of The X-Files Ever. It was a lot of fun, and the wine coolers made stupid-ass plot contrivance go down as smooth as butter.

Yesterday, I ran some really crucial errands and got a few important chores done. Then I talked to my mom on the phone, which is always an experience. I swear, you talk to that woman for half an hour, and then you say goodbye...for another half an hour. Sometimes I'm tempted to just say goodbye as soon as she picks up, so that I can keep the conversation under forty minutes. Not that I don't enjoy talking to my mother, mind you, but May Day and I had important errands to run ourselves!

See, we had to plan for our own mini-Super Bowl party. I say mini because it was really just the two of us, but we had modified "chili" dogs (May Day doesn't like the beans, so it was really just ground beef with some spices), soft drinks, and chips, and we watched approximately 45 minutes of actual game before I had to leave for my class.

Then I got home from my class and we started watching Alias. Fifty minutes later, my brain melted. Sweet. Mother. Of corn, that episode ROCKED!

**WARNING: if you haven't seen last night's episode, and wish to remain unspoiled (as well you should), skip this next paragraph.**

Seriously, that was incredible. I mean, Syd and Vaughn! Made out! A lot! With tongue! And then there was Sark with the sneaky and Sloane with the sneakier, and who does he think he is, anyway, and how long has he known about Jack and Sydney and how long has he been playing everybody?? And Sydney told Dixon, and Will kissed Francie, and Francie is dead, y'all! She was shot! In the face! BY HERSELF! Or something. I mean, the hell??? I am so JJ Abrams' bitch, now. And do they know how to attract Super Bowl fans, or what? I mean, with Jennifer Garner sauntering around in her unmentionables for the first fifteen minutes, and then the shooting and the explosions and the cool CGI, and then Vaughn told her he couldn't stop thinking about what it would be like to kiss her, and I freaked out, and then they took out SD-6! They took out the whole motherfarking Alliance, yo! And then the kissing! And the dead Francie! This show has me completely whipped.

Anyway, that was the weekend. Today, I'm just sitting here trying to piece my brain back together after last night, and answering the phone when it rings every thirteen seconds. And why is everyone all rude this morning? Like it's my fault that Dolly can't come to the phone right now. Kiss my ass, toolbox.

Anyway, everybody go find a tape of last night's Alias and get your brain melted.

� 2005 by Dr. No, all rights reserved; you break it, you buy it.

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